Have you ever attended RiverFest in Elora? I hope you said YES; this is my 3rd year as an attendee at this amazing musical event which takes place along the banks of the Grand River in Elora. They have been entertaining music lovers for 10 years and this was the biggest one yet, with the tens of thousands grooving back and forth under the moonlight!
The 3 day event takes place on the 3rd week in August, with local festival presenters working year round to bring this incredible weekend show to the town of Elora. The weather was perfect this year, just a little drizzle of rain on the Friday night with the opening act JULY TALK, and Saturday evening was FLAMING LIPS and another big act was BLUE RODEO on Sunday night.
A lot of other local talented bands such as Boo Radley Project, Bearskins, and Madison Galloway to name a few, kept the 3 stages rocking all weekend. I had the opportunity to take in the Flaming Lips on Saturday night, and it felt surreal. When I looked up into the sky all you could these big colorful balls in the air with the biggest disco ball shining light on them along with huge blow up figures. The crowd just roared when they came on stage, I must admit I had never heard of them, but walked away a new fan.
There were a lot of really cool vendors from henna tattoos, jewelery and fashions. Check out my chat with the fashion designer, StudioKampino, who designs her own line of upcyled clothing.
You can check out my FB page for the interview, https://www.facebook.com/wanderingwellingtoncounty/?hc_ref=ARRFC5ximMqK54VfugPsRM4yY8NMd2cx6XwPD7T9SXfBQm_o6CRc5TavmKdkAO21WqQ. If you have never been before to this event, mark your calendar for next years event, it is family friendly with a host of food vendors, so bring your appetite. One of the great things is there is a ban on plastic bottles at the event, you will see everyone walking around with reusable mugs. They fully support green initiatives which help save our environment such as the, “SAVE THE WATER Campaign”. This year the blue mugs were easy to spot as this is the color of the beautiful water flowing from the Grand River along the boardwalk of the event.
Talk soon ~