Don’t ever give up your dreams! I know you have heard that before, but sometimes we just have to put one foot in front of each other and keep going. I know you have heard that one too. How about, don’t let anyone burst your bubble! This world can be tough at times and sometimes all we have are our dreams and hopes for something better.
I really think that without dreams and hopes the world would be a lot duller place to live in. Dream Big! What is stopping you from being the best person you can be?
Fear has stopped me from trying many new things or not giving it my 100% at times. It can be easy to become discouraged when things are not going as planned, or when things do not get done the way I would like them to be done. Does any of that sound familiar?
Analysing my life at times I know both fear of success and fear of failure has stopped me in my tracks. Fear has stopped me on more than one occasion from trying that one more time, or from not even getting started on the simplest of things . Fear be gone! Goodbye I do not want you anymore. There it is that easy!
Does the young girl in the photo feel fear like I do? Will it stop her from realizing her dreams and aspirations? What lessons am I instilling on my daughter when I am not brave and bold and step up to being what is being called from my soul and being?
I firmly believe women need to stick together and hold each other up at times. Mentor and guide each other. Perhaps just being a friend and supporting one another. I know for this girl a little support and encouragement can go a long way!
When things don’t go well or things are not going as planned. I just have to hope that everything will happen as according to plan and have a little faith! Today when I am self doubting myself, I say “STOP” to critics in my head. I keep my shoulders back, smile and maybe just use a “fake it – till you make it kind of attitude!” “GIRL POWER!”
Does that make any sense to you? It does for this girl. That is where my dreaming steps in and I try to imagine what it would be like to fit in my skinny jeans again, or to live by the Lakeside in my beautiful house in the summers atop a cliff where the wind is blowing and kids are playing quietly in the sand. Ahhh……… dreaming it keeps us going doesn’t it.
I always surrender to those lottery tickets when I am filling up my vehicle at the gas station. You almost need to dream of winning the lottery these days just to fill the gas tank these days. I admit I often dream of just driving off on a long road trip and not returning. Well maybe returning when I feel like it. Returning after this Mom gets to take a little break from reality. Maybe even have time to read a book or not think about tidying up the house, not worrying about doing the laundry, or getting the kids teeth brushed for bed. The list is endless what will the day bring?
I am going to dream of sunny skies and keep my hopes alive. This girl is not going to let anyone burst her bubble! Let your wings unfold and hang on to those dreams and soon they will really happen. You will be lying on that beach with the sun beating down and “Ramone” bringing you a another cool lemony drink . Wait that is not reality. it is the book I found time to read just before bed, but put down a few minutes later as I couldn’t keep my eyes open from another busy day with the family. It is nice to dream isn’t it?
My “Bestie” gave me this picture which has this quote on it for me this year as a gift.
Recognize the beauty that surrounds you.
Be the architect of your own destiny.
C R E A T E.
Talk soon ~