It is “Potty Time” at our house … Yes that is right “Party Time – (I mean Potty Time). We are officially out of Diapers (Ok – well we still use them at night, or long car rides.) – we have not fully graduated. My little 3 year old bundle of Joy is so happy to announce “He has to POO or PEE!” (grocery stores, doctors offices, you name it he is not afraid to let the world know. You would think he would receive glaring glances – oh no he is too cute, most people just chuckle, grin and give him a “thumbs up!”
He likes to use the washroom on his own, always with an annoucement “Mom I have to go the washroom and don’t come in OK”. Eventually Mom comes to the rescue…… usually it is when we need to use the plunger because it seems like their is a river in our house. Oh no it is just Noah using yet another roll of toilet tissue. The money we are saving on diapers finds its way to the toilet tissue section (hah!) His favorite undies are the blue airplane one’s grandma bought him. His first official pair of underwear was a real milestone in our house that day.
Big sister Meg was really proud too. She has encouraged him and provided him with his own set of airplane stickers. Time has passed and it has been a couple of months since he has joined the “Big Boys Club!”. Now I cruise quickly by the Diaper aisle in the grocery store and smile thinking I will book a family trip to Cuba with all the diaper savings. Hey something seems to be kinda wet, I look down thinking oh no maybe we should have had a bathroom break first. It is just my little man spitting on his hand and giggling and announcing to everyone “Look at me Momma”). Mmmm…. Maybe it is time to pick up some more wipes, we have not outgrown those treasures yet. Just imagine all the germs on those little hands. Where have those hands been today ….. wonders germaphobe Mom. More smiles from the passerbys – yes he is super cute (I think we will keep him).
Talk to you soon,
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