My first article was published this past month in Powerful Women Magazine, (page 4/5 – Summer Edition). “Wow what a thrill it was to be selected and to have it published!” I thought I would provide you a copy of it for my Blog Post (I hope you enjoy).
Look after yourself – no one else will!
“Momma, let me take a bite out of that Marshmallow Sky!” ~ My 3 year old son Noah.
This little gem of a quote came out of my son Noah a couple of weeks ago, while we drove to the grocery store. I had to stop the vehicle and write it down as I didn’t want to forget it. I’m a mother of two young energentic children. Meaghan, six and Noah who is three. These two little kid-lets are my reason for trying to stay healthy and happy so I can be the best Mom I can be for them. I’m a “senior mother” labelled by my friend who is my age. Our daughters are in the same Grade One class (we both giggle at each other when we use this term, as we sip our lattes after our Friday yoga class). My grandmother and I share having children later in life – her last two babies are in their fifties and my grandmother just turned 95 years old this week. Okay enough about numbers (you do the math) – hah!!!
My Grandma is one of my role models and still lives on her own with the help of her family. She was doing yoga well into her seventies, takes minimal medication and is the “Scrabble queen!” I started yoga this past year at an amazing studio in Fergus and adore my teacher Miranda – she has the voice of an angel. One of her favorite poses is Down-ward-dog. I must admit I really don’t like it much. Hopefully it will “grow on me”. My favorite is the meditation at the end of the class. I leave the class feeling a little more alive and renewed. Ohmmmmm…. I think I’ll keep going to yoga. My other excercise is walking with my favourite buddy Irish, my dog. He is about fifteen years old and, like me , he is a little arthritic and doesn’t always want to go for his walk, but we always feel better after!
I love the quote by Teilhard de Chardin. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” I believe we must look after our mind, body and spirit to be healthy. I try to be positive when I can and find reading and meditating on a quote or piece of prose helps me stay centred when my day goes “crazy with life events.” When I get into a funk, a gratitude list really helps me shift my thinking to a more positive vibe.
Summer is my favourite season; I love the warm weather and one of my passions is spending time by the water. Luckily my family shares the same love – we spend many hours on the boat in the warmth of the sun. We swim, soak in the rays and build sandcastles. There is just something about the water that calms, heals and restores my mind, body and spirit.
I feel spirit is all around us. In the eyes of a child, it could be the rustling of leaves in the wind or the whisper of those gone before us that comforts our soul. As women, we are many things to many people. We are mothers, wives, daughters, employees, employers… the list is endless. My mother’s sage advice that has really stuck with me is. “If you don’t look after yourself, no one else will!” Remember to carve out some time in they busyness of life to connect with your inner and outer self so you can be the “best you can be for you and those around you!” Dig deep and find out what stirs your soul and remember to eat a few marshmallows along the way!
Namaste and have a great summer with your friends and family.
~ talk soon Nancy
miranda says
Hi Nancy,
Great post… really enjoyed the story about your Grandmother. Since I too am a “senior” mother…. I just keep doing yoga…. so maybe I’ll be like your Grandmother and still doing it at 70!! Congratulations on the publication of your blog.
Nancy says
HI Miranda –
Thanks for being my favourite Yoga Teacher! Yes you will be doing yoga well into your 70’s and beyond!
Hope to see you soon ~
The other senior mom - Tanja says
They say kids bring out the best in you. So true ! But I honestly have to admit that yoga does the same trick – and it happens all in a calm way 😉
What a wonderful blog you have Nancy – I truly enjoy reading it and the way you write shows what a dedicated Mother you are and a great person !
See you at coffee time 😉
the other senior mom (Tanja)
Nancy says
Thanks for the lovely comments to a lovely friend (senior mom) Tanja!
Miss you and see you soon!