I was putting my daughter Meaghan, to bed last night. She said to me, “Mommy – I think I am the only 7 year old girl without these 3 things!” – I thought oh no what is it she doesn’t have? I start to question my mothering skills or lack of them. It seems on certain days a “TO DO LIST” of parenting stuff and a ” TO DO LIST” of life stuff seems to get in the way. Do I not giver her enough love; her brother is a bit of hand full and demands a lot of attention. At times I am sure I am not giving enough of me to her. My list goes on. Her agenda from school came home the other day and I haven’t picked out a 16 line poem for her to memorize yet, I didn’t sign her permission form for that school trip yet, would I be a trip helper, Yes I will check off “I will be a school helper”. One more day would not hurt in delaying the mounting accounting pile of receipts to go through for the tax season.
OK I say to Meaghan – “What is it honey?” – “Well MOM, I would like Bunk-Beds, a Puppy and a Computer, all of my friends have these and I am the only one who doesn’t have these things.” OK I said well maybe we can think about it. A puppy well I said we have Irish, he is our family dog. He is a good “ole boy”, Old is really the term, he is about 15 years old, but the best doggie anyone could ever ask for. “No I want my own puppy”. Then she said “Mom I want Bunk-Beds too!” I know that feeling of wanting those bunk beds. Growing up my brother had bunk beds and we would hang out on the top or like usual I would get the bottom bunk. I do remember climbing up the ladder sometimes I would be at the top with all my Barbies, having a “Bunk Bed Barbie Fest” and then having to go PEE and looking for the ladder. MMM… my brother moved it again. “David – where is the ladder?” “I have to get down; I have to pee…..” “I don’t know little sister, find it yourself” ….. Oh those were the days. A visual of little Meaghan sleeping on the top bunk and then falling down and breaking her arm or something, “no bunk-beds right now Meg’s” I tell her. I remind her just got her a new bed.
She says, “But Mom.. .what about a new computer?” All my friends have computers. “MMM… well I am not sure about this, the internet and my 7 year old daughter cruising the net, looking for games, and stuff. A visual comes up. “UMMM” – No Meg’s maybe when you are about 20 years old we will think about it.” “But Mom ….. I want … OK Meg’s Nighty – Nights, close your eyes and “Dream about the Boat”.
I am making coffee this morning and the first thing my daughter says upon waking is, “So Mom when are we getting the new puppy? Will we go one night this week or on the weekend?” MMM… I say “well Meg’s we have a dog, blah, blah, blah…..
“Well Mom if we got a puppy then we could have a family dog and I would have my own Puppy!” She said I want a black and white one, with spots on it! I looked at “My Meg’s” and it was like staring at myself in the morning. Her hair was all wild looking and sticking up all over. I chuckle to myself and think my Mother has probably had that same conversation with me about a Puppy. I remember I would always buy my Mom Goldfish for her Birthdays.
Ok Meaghan we have to eat your breakfast and get ready for the bus! I am sure she will come home tonight with another item on her list that every 7 year old girl has but her, I wonder what is next?
Talk soon ~