I was sitting on the couch after dinner tonight having a good cuddle with my daughter who is seven years old, when all of a sudden she sneezed. She said “Mom I have been sneezing a lot today. Mom I am worried I might be allergic to people!” I said Meg I know how you feel. I thought how sweet and precious the things that come out of the mouth of babes.
Like most people, my week has been filled with ups & downs. Sometimes things are going smoothly and other days you think “Why did I wake up & is it time for bed yet!”. My schedule has had a big change this week. I have been spending more time with my “little man” who usually has daycare. This is wonderful however a 3 year has a lot more energy than a 40 something year old Mom. Especially on those nights when she is busy printing labels and tending to other household chores. Well this week my little muffin & I went to the new accessibility park in Fergus. It is amazing what a community working together can do. I highly recommend a visit if you haven’t been yet. We went on a Monday morning when there wasn’t a lot of kids and Mom was running after her little guy and I thought to myself “OK this girl needs to get in shape”, if I am going to keep up the pace.
I don’t recommend you buy those little mini Halloween chocolate bars and have them in close proximity. Last time I looked the box was empty. Luckily I did decide to purchase some veggies today while cruising the grocery isle with the little guy. He has been an absolute angel this week. He usually has tantrums at various places, (like the grocery store). I must say he has been on his best behaviour, even when he played soccer today he played nice with all the kids and gave them a “high-five”. He is a an amazing little boy and real cutie-pie, Ok I guess I am a Proud Mumma! I guess our time together will bond us closer. You can’t get much closer then when he was clinging both of his little arms around my neck this morning. He said “he was too scared to play soccer with the other kids.” I wonder if he felt he might be allergic to people today too? I didn’t notice any sneezing.
I just heard a great “John Tesh” quote on the radio. “Kids with the most affectionate parents handle the stresses of life best!” So give those little kiddlets ……….2 kisses & 2 hugs and enjoy your quiet time while they are dreaming of their day! And remember tomorrow is another day!
Talk to you soon ~
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