Hey Canada … It’s the official May 24 weekend upon us! Yeah… for me and many more Canadian’s that always signifies the unofficial start of the SUMMER. I hope you enjoy your long weekend and the many adventures which await you this start of the season ahead of us. Perhaps your jumping in your car heading to your cottage or camping at one of the local provincial parks. Or maybe you are hanging out locally and just chilling. Here are some great local events going on in Wellington County this weekend.
Elora PLEIN AIR : http://grandandgorgeous.com/event/elora-en-plein-air/
Grand River Raceway Fireworks: https://www.wellingtonadvertiser.com/index.cfm?page=detail&itmno=3272
2Rivers Festival: https://www.guelphmercury.com/events/8594070-701051-2rivers-festival-2018/
The Royal Wedding at the Secret Garden Tea House: http://www.thesecretgardenteahouse.com/upcoming-events
Hillsburgh Garden Club Plant Sale: http://www.erin.ca/whats-on/details?id=ff84113f-e7f2-41b5-974b-d4024b9b1466
Happy Birthday Queen Victoria!
Talk soon ~
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