- Learn to relax – This thought sounds easier than it is. My Dad gave me a reminder token which reads, “practice doing nothing is an artform”
- Practice thought awareness – My mind can be my greatest enemy. I often struggle with making sure I treat myself the way a best friend would talk to you. I try and practice positive thinking.
- Choose your response – Never respond when your angry. I have done this in the past and it never works to your advantage. I am now trying not to respond to things right away, trying to pause. My Mom told me, “Don’t be angry”, I am trying to lighten up and not be so angry. This has been a hard one for me.
- Clear your thoughts – I find going for a walk especially connecting with nature is a great way to clear the mind.
- Make Connections – Keep in touch with people that make you feel good about yourself. Stay clear of negative people and negative influences. I have let go of people that no longer fit in my life today. I am realizing the old saying, “you are truly blessed if you have 1 true friend”.
- Should I take action to solve this fear – Understand fear and embrace it, name the fear. Learning more about why I am fearful of something or someone helps.
- Make Everyday Meaningful – There is always something to be grateful for. Start a gratitude list, always always there is something positive in a day!
- Remain Hopeful – Without hope we are nothing. Hope keeps us going, always have hope in your future, I have found this to be most helpful in keeping going.
- Get to know yourself – Getting to know your strengths and weaknesses in your personality helps so much. I try to embrace my weaknesses and try to find the positives in them.
- Be Present – I try to live in the now and in the day. It is not always easy, but trying to stay present for yourself and others is a gift. I try and stay off my phone when my children are talking to me. I try and be more present with their day to day activities. I always ask them, “how their day went?”
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