What are you thankful for? You have heard when you are thankful and live in gratitude your world seems to go better. I do have to agree. I may not have been feeling so thankful and full of happiness when I put the pumpkins to bed last night. They where tired but didn’t want to settle down. Maybe it was my fault as I let them snuggle up in my bed last night to go to sleep and then I would carry them into their own beds. But they would not settle down and I snapped I yelled and screamed and told them I was not very happy, not is so many words. These precious little tired puppies just wanted to go to sleep too. Finally they settled down and all fell asleep but Mom feels that Mommy Guilt today, for loosing my cool with them today. I should know better, I should do this, I should have just put them in their own beds, blah….
The reality is I lost it! I didn’t take a time out and breath to 10 and go into a down ward dog pose and I was tired. I was tired from a long day, and just wanted some Mommy time. Is that so bad? Regardless I didn’t like how it went down last night, and will start my day once again today trying my best to look after myself so I can best look after my pumpkin’s and possibly put them to bed more peacefully tonight. I missed my intended yoga class this morning, just not feeling like getting dressed and driving to the class. I have my running shoes on and coat ready to head out the door, (not for a jog, but a leisurely stroll). I really have not been taking care of my physical self lately and I am really beginning to feel it, as I scoff down more chocolate chips out of the cupboard. So with a smile on, my running shoes on, (ok maybe not a big smile), I will take the few hours I have to myself and look after Nancy, not Mommy, but simply Nancy for a few hours until I pick the pumpkins up from school and start again with a THANKFUL HEART for my 2 lovely kiddlets and my wonderful life I have today with them!
Talk soon ~
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