Tis the season when everyone it seems is sneezing, coughing and holding hands or hugging each other. With all the preparation and decking the halls of family and friends gatherings, it is no wonder Mom is sick. Yes I said it, Mom is Sick! I know she is not allowed to get sick and if she is, it is “as per usual kinda of day.” The dinners need to be cooked, the house needs cleaned, the kids need entertained (did I mention they are off on holidays), and already bored.
Why is when the “Man Flu” hits, everything revolves around him. His aches are the worst, he is in bed for days at a time, I guess the “man flu” must be worse than the “Mom Flu”. I tell you it has not been nice this season, maybe you are shivering like me while I write this or sipping a hot lemony drink or popping yet another aspirin. I feel for you. Why is it when we are sick we just want “our Moms”. “Mom where are you?” …. I need some chicken noodle soup, tucked in and please read me a bed time story.
Well I must go now, Dad is lying down resting trying to get better. The kids and I are going outside for a walk today, being it is now a balmy 2 degrees. It is nicer than the -20c coming this week. Snowpants, hats, coats and boots are on. I hope this fresh air will help clear some of these lingering germs. I sure don’t want them to catch the “mom cold or the the man flu”, (I would be sick any day of the week, than my little kiddlets). Ok kids take your vitamins and drink your orange juice before we head outside, and be sure to bundle up. Stay Healthy everyone!
Talk soon ~