It is hard to venture far from home these days especially during a stay at home order announced by our Premier Mr. Ford recently.
These are strange times indeed when the Government tells you to stay home and announcements are made playgrounds are closed, (now re opened along with Police having the ability to pull you over and ask you why you are out and about).
The kids and I ventured out the day before the Premier announced such drastic measures would be taken. These measures were removed a few days later when most of the Provincial Police areas announced they would not be randomly stopping cars.
Phew……… I agree with these stay at home orders especially with this virus spreading like wildfire with the new unknown variants. But not sure I agree with certain parts of the shutdown. Closing small businesses but keeping large box stores open?
Everywhere you look people are up in arms over these measures, and social media is full of bickering over masks, shutdowns, and the imposed restrictions. I try not to engage in any of these disputes as they seem to only throw fire onto peoples feelings of angst and unrest during these uncertain and scary times.
I wear my mask, social distance, and was so pleased to have gotten my first dose of the vaccine. It was a very emotional experience, as I am hearing others are having when they get the shot.
I listen to science and try to keep myself safe and others around me. There I said it, these are my feelings, I try to respect others feelings are not the same as mine. I hope we can just all get along for the sake of humanity.
Back to road tripping during a pandemic. I suppose winning an online contest , thanks again to the #weathervane in #Erin for my new sporty spring watch I won on an online contest.
Such a great day when you find out your a WINNER on a Contest especially during these difficult times. It sure put smile on my face.
It maybe wasn’t exactly a necessity to venture outside and travel a short distance, but it was reason enough for us get out of the house safely, masked 6ft apart for a curbside pickup.
Supporting our local economy by buying local and using curbside pickup during these times sure makes sense pandemic. I just cannot imagine trying to run a small retail business, restaurants and others affected during these times.
After a long winter indoors, and now heading into spring with a year of lockdowns the kids and I sure enjoyed our little outing.
The kids and I took a trip this March Break (April Break), to Erin. Yep, a trip to Erin was our March Break trip this year. We were all so grateful just to get out of the house, go in the car and go on a road trip, if only for 25 minutes. So funny the things you find gratitude in nowadays.
A BIG thank you to a really cute little shop in @villageoferinbia, @the.weathervane.
I won a really cute pink watch, which is perfect as my other watch had just broke. Its the sweetest little Spring Bird watch a girl could want. My Daughter who is 14 has her eye on it!
My first trip to this cute little shop, but it will not be the last. Of course I had to pick up some other really nice pieces. Great curbside pickup it was very safe. We were thrilled to be a winner and support local.
The kids and I made an afternoon daytrip out of it, we walked up and down Main Street in Erin. We found a lovely little park with some great public art, checkers table and a cute little pavilion which I am sure is filled with events when it would be safe to do so. We peeked into some of the shop windows, stopping for some treats to take along with us of course.
A change of scenery and a feeling of a little normalcy if even for only half a day was a little bit of heaven on a gloomy Spring day.
I am ever so grateful for all of the frontline workers, and healthcare teams keeping us safe. Thankful, grateful are not big enough words to express my grateful heart during these times.
We will get back to normal, a new normal someday hopefully soon. In the meantime we will stay home, wash our hands and prayer this gets better! There are so many places to explore and adventures to be had in our backyard!
Talk soon and Be Safe~