I just want summer to last all year-long. I was doing some “business stuff” today as we all do, and I was discussing dates with a business associate and I realized we were talking about August. No – No – No I don’t want to think August we just have begun July. SLOW DOWN I thought to myself. I need to really chill and savour these summer moments more. We have already begun July and looking thru my calendar I see how quickly the summer is going to slide by. NO – NO – NO! I simply will not allow it.
I must mark my calendar with more fun dates for myself and my kiddlets. I know we have the other seasons and other holidays to look forward to, but do they involve a beach, book and sand? Please let my mind, body and soul this year – S L O W down just a little so I can really take each minute to really feel the sun on my back. Please let my mind slow down enough to wonder into the world of my new fiction book. I just want to really sink my toes in the sand, and slather more sunblock on the shoulders and maybe have a cold drink on hand by my beach chair! All the while when I look up and I can see my kiddies running safely down the beach with their silly grins on their faces while I hear them giggle and watch their watermelon bellies jiggle.
Well that’s all folks just some late night thoughts. I am getting up early tomorrow and running to the beach. Not walking, but running. OK… actually we are driving a few hours and Mom gets to pack up, (must remember the new book), and all the other family beach stuff. I am going to breathe deep (this yoga stuff really works), forget about those “business stuff thingies for a while and just chill!” See you at the beach.
Talk soon ~
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