“You stumble, and you soar. And, if you’re lucky, you make it to Paris for a while.” ~ Amy Howard
Have you ever wanted to visit Paris? I have heard many times from my daughter all about the fine pastries, the hotels, landmarks and ohhhh the food. My 11-year-old daughter announced months ago, “Mom, I am doing my speech on Paris this year!” I thought well good for you, but why Paris? She really didn’t have an answer. Perhaps I have mentioned once or twice, I would like to take her there one day!
This girl really has done a great job writing, preparing & presenting her speech. I may be a proud Momma, but I think her teacher agreed too, as she was one of the top 2 students in her class. She practiced for weeks, talking into the wall and flipping her cue cards, and learning to pronounce the Louvre, Pierre Cardin & the The Arch de Triomphe. Yesterday she was one of 10 to speak in front of her school. She could be in the running to be one of the top students in Ontario and win $1000.00. Proud Mom, thought MMMM…. this could be your ticket to Paris kid!
When I spoke with Meaghan about how her day went, she said “My legs were shaking, I am sure everyone saw them, and I think I talked really fast.” Oh how I wished I could have been there to hold her hand, and to cheer her on. She had asked me the night before, “What do I do when my friend makes a funny face at me and sticks her tongue out and waves her hands in the air”. Dare I tell her my true thoughts, I came up with “just pretend everyone is in their underwear!”. She said of , “OH MOM, don’t be so silly!”
My girlfriend and I have been talking for years about taking her granddaughter and my daughter to visit Paris on their 10th Birthdays. Their 10th Birthday’s have come and gone, and this year they will both be 12. I hope we can take them before they turn into teenagers. Time has a funny way of passing quickly and before you know it, within a blink of your eye the kids grow up and are out of the house, (so I am told).
Meaghan said to me, “What you never ate Macaroons when you were in Paris?” Sadly I didn’t, however I found a great place I would love to go to and partake in tea and maybe a few macaroons. One of Meg’s line in her speech, “You don’t want to forget about those baguettes, when they come out of the oven, they are hot and taste just like……”
Perhaps this speech on Paris has a purpose to refuel the travel bug in me, and make concrete plans to get to Paris? I have fortunate to have been twice in my lifetime and know that it is an amazing City. I know Meaghan & I will get there one day, do you want to come with us?
Auviour ~
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