The First snowfall of the season and I am already thinking of going to the sunny south! I love this picture as it represents my thoughts in a nutshell, just take me away, pack the suitcase, put on my best hat and I am out of here. My kids on the other hand were overjoyed and I suppose they felt elated when they rolled up some big snow balls and slid them down the hill today. They made a beautiful snowman and even added a hat and some eyes, ears, and a nose. Mom watched this in the warmth of the indoors while sipping my coffee and flipping thru yesterdays newspaper.
Looking out upon the morning sun, the snow falling on the trees and the kiddies frolicking in the snow did look rather magical. There is always something about that first snowfall of the season. It may not look so magical when you see the snow plow pulling around the corner for the 4th time in one day or when the shovels are pushing the slush around and it feels so heavy you just cannot imagine where you will put all the snow. But for now I will just breath in and look at the pretty SNOW and start packing my bags to meet Mr. Snowman two streets over! See you in the spring kids. Oh wait I was just daydreaming, what I meant to say was kids the hot chocolate it ready……….. come in when you little toes are turning into ice cubes, oh yes the wonderful winter weather is upon us – enjoy!
Talk soon
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